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Mindful Self-Care: Your Internal and External Environments - Test
by John C. Norcross, Ph.D., ABPP and Gary R. VandenBos, Ph.D., ABPP

Course content © copyright 2020 by John C. Norcross, Ph.D., ABPP and Gary R. VandenBos, Ph.D., ABPP. All rights reserved.

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1. Many psychotherapists object to practicing mindfulness throughout the day because: Help
They prefer to practice mindfulness outside the office.
They see practicing mindfulness at both the beginning and the end of the day as sufficient.
There is no research on the benefit of practicing mindfulness consistently throughout the day.
There are normally only 10 minutes between sessions, and there are other priorities that take up the whole break.
2. Practicing Mindfulness: Help
Is a natural habit.
Requires little attention.
Is done at least 8 times a day by well-adjusted therapists.
Is a willful decision.
3. Dr. Holliday experiences a troubling thought while practicing mindfulness. She should probably: Help
Cease immediately; ruminating on such a thought can have the opposite of the desired effect of mindfulness.
Change mindfulness practice; when done effectively, mindfulness does not include these thoughts.
Accept and explore the thought; mindfulness reflects on all thoughts, not just pleasant ones.
Criticize the thought; mindfulness requires active expulsion of negative thinking.
4. When psychotherapists practice mindfulness, the main beneficiary is the: Help
Family of the therapist.
Colleagues of the therapist.
5. The patients of mental health professionals who practice mindfulness typically experience: Help
Better therapeutic alliances.
Improved mental health.
Increased awareness of mindfulness.
Shorter time spent in psychotherapy.
6. Which of the following is a typical goal of mindfulness? Help
Decreased stress
Increased connection to others
Improved awareness of positive experiences
All of the above
7. The most prevalent anchor for mindfulness is: Help
Closing one's eyes.
8. If you have trouble falling asleep, get out of bed. That way, according to stimulus control instructions: Help
The association between the bed and being frustratingly awake is weakened.
You can properly utilize the time spent lying awake on other activities.
You can exercise to exhaust yourself and then return to bed.
You can get a light snack, which may trigger biological mechanisms necessary for sleep.
9. One extensively researched method to maintain a healthy sleep cycle is to: Help
Drink coffee before bed every night.
Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.
Take a nap halfway between the time you wake up and the time you go to bed.
Play music while you sleep.
10. Many psychotherapists hold tension in their face and body in response to the emotional stress of their workday. To alleviate this, they often consult the research and subsequently: Help
Take days off.
Schedule massages.
Invest in a comfortable chair.
Avoid emotional stress as ethically as possible.
11. According to the National Academies, a healthy amount of water to drink daily is about ____ your body weight in ounces. Help
A quarter
A third
A half
Three quarters
12. An effective and evidence-based methods to combat the negative effects of sedentary time is to: Help
Sleep more during the night.
Invest in a standing desk.
Have a chair with lumbar support.
Do facial massages.
13. When planning an exercise regimen, practitioners should probably: Help
Be idealistic; they may not meet their goals, but it is always better to aim higher.
Have a greater focus on cardio, which is proven to relieve more stress than muscular exercises.
Leave a block in the middle of the day for exercise; this is when it will prove most beneficial.
Set realistic expectations; practitioners are busy people and should plan accordingly.
14. The Harlow (1958) study, which placed infant monkeys with either a wire mother or a cloth mother, demonstrated the probably inborn need for: Help
Physical contact.
Parental presence.
15. Frequently, psychotherapists commit the fundamental attribution error. In that instance, they erroneously attribute clients' behavior to clients': Help
Cognitive attributions.
16. Dr. Kennedy is seeing a teenage patient whose father was recently incarcerated. The patient has chronically experienced problems at school, but since the arrest, the patient has been getting into physical fights. Dr. Kennedy believes that, although the arrest certainly could be a trigger, the reason for these fights is the patient's angry temperament. Dr. Kennedy is probably engaging in the: Help
Availability heuristic.
Representativeness heuristic.
Affect heuristic.
Fundamental attribution error.
17. Research has identified several features of psychotherapy offices that support treatment objectives. Perceived quality of care and comfort improve with increases in all of the following EXCEPT office: Help
18. In a review of the research base (Pope & Vasquez, 2016), more than 80% of psychotherapists feared that a client would physically attack them and about __ had actually been attacked by a client. Help



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