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Suicide Interventions and Treatment Planning for Clinicians: A Strengths-Based Model - Test
by John Sommers-Flanagan, Ph.D.

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1. Which of the following are considered essential principles that guide suicide interventions? Help
Physical symptoms and treatment of depression
Risk assessment and accurate prediction of suicide
Compassion and collaboration
Be directive and offer clear advice
2. Theoretical mechanisms underlying the strength-based, holistic model include which of the following? Help
Both 2 and 3
3. Which of the following is NOT one of the six life domains included in the strength-based, holistic model? Help
4. Which emotional factor is the hallmark of suicidality? Help
Excruciating distress
Problem-solving impairments
Psychological reactance
Emotional lability
5. Which emotion-focused intervention focuses on helping clients understand that they would prefer reducing their emotional distress rather than eradicating themselves? Help
Emotional regulation
The three-step emotional change trick
Separating the pain from the self
Shifting from distress to the positive
6. From dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), Linehan (1993) says that "DBT emphasizes learning to bear pain skillfully." What skills do DBT practitioners use to help clients deal with emotional pain? Help
Emotional regulation
Distress tolerance
All of the above
7. Problem-solving impairments and hopelessness best fit into which domain? Help
Beck's depression triad.
8. Which of the following procedures are important to emphasize when engaging in problem-solving or generating alternatives to suicide? Help
Repeating the specific alternatives or options that are being generated
Criticizing and discarding destructive alternatives as soon as they come up
Staying nondirective and avoiding offering any ideas or suggestions yourself
Both 2 and 3
9. Thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness fit into which life domain? Help
10. You're working with a client who has suicidal thoughts related to her current negative or toxic social relationships. To help your client map her social universe, which strategy might you employ? Help
Start by asking the client to identify her positive social relationships.
Ask about who is "most toxic" and then try to build a continuum toward people whom she views as less toxic.
Avoid commenting on the negative relationships because to do so is to reinforce focusing on the negative.
Urge the client to end old relationships and begin new ones.
11. Agitation or arousal is linked to which of the following life domains? Help
12. Within the physical domain, which of the following is an independent risk factor for suicide? Help
Being a cultural minority
13. Which of the following statements is most likely true about physical exercise as a treatment for depression in adolescents? Help
There's no evidence that exercise is a viable treatment for depression in adolescents.
Physical exercise has substantial research support and is more effective than other known treatments.
Based on a small randomized controlled trial, exercise appears to have excellent potential for treating depression symptoms among adolescents.
None of these statements are most likely true.
14. Research on the relationship between spirituality or religion and suicidality suggests: Help
Religion universally protects against suicide.
Religion is universally a risk factor for suicide.
Religion may be a protective factor or a risk factor, depending on the individual.
None of the above.
15. Based on Victor Frankl's "Will to meaning" concept, which intervention might be used to help clients experience a more positive attitude toward life? Help
A meaning reframe
The six months to live question
Asking about culture
None of the above
16. Which of these areas are linked to working in the behavioral domain? Help
Dealing with suicide desensitization
Lethal means restriction
Safety planning
All of the above
17. Which one of the following is NOT an example of a suicide desensitizing behavior? Help
Suicide rehearsal behaviors
Alcohol and drug use
Physical exercise
Keeping a lethal means available
18. The Safety Planning Intervention: Help
Is an evidence-based intervention to address suicidality.
Does not focus on lethal means restriction.
Has been discarded as a treatment approach, in favor of no-suicide contracts.
Is based on a psychoanalytic model of impulsive behavioral control.



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