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Why Weight? - Helping Your Clients with Obesity and Weight Control - Test
by Edward Abramson, Ph.D.

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1. Patients of physicians who are overweight or have obesity: Help
Find their doctor to be more sympathetic.
Were more inclined to follow their doctor's medical advice.
Were less inclined to follow their doctor's medical advice.
Were more likely to be prescribed an SSRI antidepressant.
2. Body Mass Index (BMI): Help
Was developed by a life insurance company in the 1920's.
Is a useful measure for apples but not pears.
Is useful for assessing individuals but not for comparing groups.
May not accurately categorize muscular individuals.
3. The World Health Organization (WHO): Help
Classified a BMI of 18.5 to 25 as optimal.
Classified a BMI of 35 as indicating bulimia.
Classified a BMI below 16 as indicating anorexia.
Developed arbitrary cut offs to categorize overweight and obesity.
4. Internal visceral fat: Help
Is associated with cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and stroke.
Is metabolically inert.
Can be reduced with abdominal exercises such as a "crunch machine."
Contributes to a pear shaped body.
5. The most prevalent cause of weight gain is: Help
Living in an environment that makes it easy to gain weight.
The "Freshman 15."
Food allergies.
An unhappy childhood.
6. The thrifty gene hypothesis suggests: Help
There is a McDonald's or other fast food restaurant nearby.
Weight and body composition is largely determined by environment.
Prehistoric ancestors had to cope with a variable food supply.
Prehistoric ancestors who were inefficient in storing energy were more likely to survive.
7. The prevalence of obesity: Help
Has increased markedly since 1980.
Is greater for Mexican Pima Indians compared with American Pima Indians.
Is greater in the U.S. compared with Qatar.
Has increased except for individuals 100 lbs. or more overweight.
8. Proponents of the view that food can be addicting: Help
Describe food addiction as a type of process addiction.
Suggest that sex and sleep are also addicting.
Suggest that carbohydrate-laden, high fat foods are not addicting.
Point to overlap between drugs in the brain and food in the brain.
9. If your client self-identifies as a food addict you can: Help
Administer a self-scoring questionnaire offered by a 12-Step program.
Discourage rigid dieting without directly challenging the client's belief in their addiction.
Encourage abstinence of sugar, flour, and processed foods.
Describe research disputing the idea that food can be addicting.
10. Which type of diet has demonstrated superior long-term weight loss? Help
Low fat diets
Low carbohydrate diets
Paleo diets
No diet has demonstrated consistent long-term superiority.
11. Which of the following drugs does NOT result in significant weight loss? Help
12. The adjustable gastric band: Help
Is a more invasive procedure than Roux-en-Y surgery.
Has been more widely used in recent years.
Can be removed leaving the stomach and intestines intact.
Creates a banana shaped stomach.
13. The oft-cited statistic that 95 percent of dieters won't lose weight: Help
Comes from a meta-analysis of several hundred outcome studies.
Included studies of cognitive-behavioral programs but excluded studies of commercial programs like Weight Watchers.
Includes dieters who did not participate in any program.
Comes from a study conducted in the 1950's.
14. When discussing weight with a defensive client: Help
Open communication by asking, "Is it okay to talk about your weight?"
Reassure your client that the 95 percent failure rate is unrealistic.
Explain that BMI might not be the most useful measure of an obesity disorder.
Describe the thrifty gene hypothesis.
15. The most important, and possibly essential component of Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment is: Help
Store calorically dense foods in opaque containers.
Buy calorically dense snacks in single serving packages.
Self-monitoring of eating.
Increase the effort required to snack.
16. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): Help
Emphasizes the difference between a lapse vs. relapse.
Emphasizes private thoughts, feeling, and body sensations.
Emphasizes overt eating behaviors.
Emphasizes specific actions to counter unhelpful thoughts and feelings.
17. For children who have obesity: Which of the following statements about children who are overweight or have obesity is true? Help
The number has increased dramatically since the 2003-2004 survey.
It isn't recognized by 50 percent of the parents of these children.
They can be assessed by the straightforward use of BMI tables.
Many of the health consequences including kidney failure and heart disease are likely to emerge before adolescence.
18. Parents of overweight children: Help
Have little control over their young child's diet.
Should use treats like ice cream only as a reward or to celebrate an accomplishment.
Should discuss the importance, and if necessary offer rewards, to get their children to eat vegetables.
Encourage their child to get enough sleep.



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