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Missing The Diagnosis: The Hidden Medical Causes of Mental Disorders - Test
by William Matteson, Ph.D.

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1. Undetected physical illness occurs: Help
Only in serious mental illness.
In about one half of people with mental problems.
In all older adults.
When people do not get a physical each year.
2. Mental health practitioners may miss the cause of the problems they are diagnosing because: Help
The client has a different idea of what is causing their difficulties.
Therapists often diagnose mental problems by their symptoms.
Most problems are merely caused by poor problem solving.
Both 1 and 2
3. Mental disorders may be caused or exacerbated by: Help
The immune system.
Child abuse.
All of the above.
4. "Treatment resistant" disorders: Help
Should be treated with psychotropic medication.
Require psychoanalysis.
Are sometimes caused by undetected medical problems.
Are usually factitious.
5. Contacting your client's physician is: Help
Often useful.
A waste of time.
6. Conversion disorders: Help
Do not actually exist.
Should be treated with hypnosis.
Run in families.
Respond well to medication.
7. Hypochondria: Help
Usually causes fear of doctors.
Is easily treated by hypnosis.
Is classified as a factitious disorder.
Causes preoccupation with symptoms.
8. People with Wolfram syndrome: Help
Often present with depression.
May be violent and assaultive.
Have a high probability of suicide.
All the above
9. Hospitalization before five-years-old is correlated with: Help
Higher intelligence.
Delinquent behavior.
Unstable job patterns in adulthood.
Both 2 and 3.
10. People with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder: Help
Have parents with social phobias.
May also have kidney disease.
Seldom have family members with mental problems.
Should eat a vegetarian diet.
11. Children who were hospitalized before age five have: Help
A higher risk of behavior disturbances.
Better reading skills.
Are more complacent at home
Do better in school
12. Head size correlates with: Help
Dementia risk.
All of the above.
13. Left handed people: Help
Do poorly with mathematics.
Are very good at sports.
Are prone to depression.
Have better social skills.
14. Lupus is not linked to: Help
Decreased stroke risk.
Eating disorders.
15. Lyme disease is: Help
Easily diagnosed by a physical.
Caused by fleas.
Linked to schizophrenia.
16. Borna virus infection is thought to cause: Help
Obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Panic disorder.
All of the above.
17. Neurocysticercosis: Help
Can cause violent behavior.
Is caused by a parasite.
Is a fungal infection that can cause mania.
Both 1 and 2
18. Cadmium toxicity is known to increase the risk of: Help
Learning disabilities.
Shorter lifespan.
19. Synthetic carpets may cause: Help
Thyroid problems.
Low birth rate.
Reading difficulties.
20. The probability of having a psychiatric problem from a pharmaceutical is: Help
21. Proton pump inhibitors: Help
Increase stomach acid.
Decrease B12.
Prevent gastric infections.
Reduce anxiety.
22. Polypharmacy is: Help
A frequent cause of mental problems.
More prevalent in the elderly.
Seldom considered as the cause of illness.
All of the above.
23. Pineal tumors: Help
Cause fatigue.
May cause headaches.
Can cause nausea.
All of the above.
24. Sub-clinical Hyperthyroidism can present with: Help
A change in voice.
Carpal tunnel syndrome.
Weight gain.
Both 1 and 2.
25. Hyperparathyroidism: Help
Occurs more frequently in men.
Occurs more frequently in women.
Is exacerbated by high carbohydrate diets.
Can be caused by inadequate vitamin E.
26. Low testosterone: Help
May induce mania.
Does not occur in women.
May cause mood and cognitive problems.
May be treated with antidepressants.
27. Tourette's Syndrome often presents with: Help
Unusual sexual behaviors.
Learning disabilities.
Both 1 and 3.
28. Research of people with post-concussion syndrome shows: Help
Frequent amnesia.
No evidence of malingering.
Complete recovery within hours of the event.
No evidence of brain injury.
29. Strokes: Help
Always cause paralysis.
Do not cause changes in mood.
Are sometimes linked to gum disease.
Are always caused by blood clots.
30. Insular stroke can cause: Help
Changes in mood.
Blunting of affect.
Cravings for cigarettes.
31. Central nervous system tumors are: Help
Often misdiagnosed as mental illness.
Caused by toxins.
Are more prevalent in people over 75.
All of the above
32. Frontal lobe tumors: Help
Only occur in people over 60.
Can cause hyper-sexuality.
Always cause insomnia.
Do not cause changes in personality.
33. Seizures: Help
Can cause permanent brain damage.
Are always diagnosed by the presence of convulsions.
Can be caused by environmental toxins.
Both 1 and 3
34. Temporal lobe seizures: Help
May cause vertigo.
Can cause religiosity.
Are frequently diagnosed as hypochondria or other mental disorder.
All of the above
35. Cingulate gyrus seizures may present with: Help
Staggering gate.
Sociopathic behaviors.
Obsessive-compulsive behaviors.
Both 2 and 3
36. Low blood sugar is linked to: Help
High protein diet.
Bipolar disorder.
Higher IQ.
37. Heart attacks can cause: Help
Personality changes.
Longer sleep duration.
Improvement of cognition.
Language difficulties.
38. Skin disorders are linked to: Help
Social phobia.
Posttraumatic stress disorder.
Delusional disorder.
All of the above.
39. Hair loss: Help
Can be a sign of thyroid problems.
May cause anxiety.
May be caused by fear.
May occur from high levels of biotin.
40. Medications: Help
Always have side-effects.
Can interfere with brain function.
Seldom interact with each other.
Cannot increase irritability.
41. Environmental Toxins: Help
Can cause mood disorders.
Do not affect mental status.
Are seldom assessed.
Both 1 and 3
42. Statin drugs: Help
Are the only effective treatment for high cholesterol.
Can cause mood and behavior changes.
Do not work in older adults.
Reduce the risk of heart failure.
43. Liver disease may present with: Help
Sleep problems.
Pathological gambling.
Mood changes.
Both 1 and 3.
44. Low testosterone: Help
Can cause depression in men and women.
Is always assessed in a physical.
Occurs only in men.
Can cause inappropriate sexual behavior.
45. Pheochromocytoma: Help
Always presents as depression.
May cause panic attacks.
Is treated with benzodiazepines.
Usually causes apathy.
46. Apnea: Help
Is often undetected.
Is a risk factor for heart attacks.
Runs in families.
All of the above
47. Shift workers: Help
Sleep longer.
Have less family problems.
Lose weight.
Are more prone to mood disorders.
48. Human adults: Help
Need eight hours per night.
Will need sleeping medication as they age.
With mood disorders usually have sleep problems.
All of the above



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